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Writer's pictureSophia Clarke

Moving into the New: New Year Resolutions, Seasons of changes, and what the solstice may bring

A Poinciana flower with abstract details

Greetings all,

It has been an enlightening year. Changes have swept through life like a current. This current could be a fear quaking, life altering, time bending force of nature. Yet, it seems light. Like there is light and life imbued in the change. Now this may be new year optimism. Everyone creates New Years Resolutions. However, I have a sneaking suspicion that New Year optimism is only a fancy hat for every day optimism for equinoxes, and new stars. We need change. We crave it. Yet, perhaps we also fear it.

Well, I petition you to look at the new year as everyone does, as a new opportunity. You can reinvent, as one must. However, I also implore that you look around and see what is going well. Look around and see what you have done and succeeded, and will continue to do so.

Also with these sparkly binoculars looks for things you have left behind. For some it may be an overgrown rabbit made out of dust. For others, it will be relationships (platonic and romantic), jobs. It is constant the things we must leave. Shedding the proverbial snake skin. With that being said, I will be taking a new initiative and direction with this site. I think it is time to connect with my community. To build, grow and communicate with the voices that are. I will be updating the shop and adding exclusive perks for site members.

Stay tuned for the magic that is building, growing, and preparing to come out of hiding as we speak!

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